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AGROS 2023 - international Expo for breeding, fodder, veterinary medicine and technology for animal husbandry, pig breeding, poultry and feed production

AGROS 2023 - international Expo for breeding, fodder, veterinary medicine and technology for animal husbandry, pig breeding, poultry and feed production

from 25 to Jan. 27, 2023

About the exhibition AGROS 2023

The key agribusiness exhibition in Russia takes place annually in January, which is the best time for agricultural producers and gives a powerful start to the business activity of the industry after the lull of the New Year.

During AGROS, the leading Russian and international manufacturers present a wide range of cutting-edge solutions - machinery and equipment, feed and veterinary products, genetics, technology and services for professionals in dairy and meat cattle, pig, poultry and other livestock breeding, as well as grassland, field and industrial feed production.

AGROS is held with the support of the Ministry of Agriculture of the Russian Federation and leading industry companies.

In 2022, it brought together 352 producers and suppliers from 26 countries. More than 11400 industry professionals from 82 regions of Russia and the EAEU countries came to the expo.

AGROS Business Program is extensive, multifaceted, always relevant and a real fount of knowledge and useful information for professionals. In 2022, 328 speakers and more than 3,000 people attended 51 events within the AGROS business program.

Are you an investor, manager, expert, zootechnician, agronomist, veterinarian, technologist, technical specialist or buyer and represent a leading agricultural holding, dairy farm, pig complex, poultry plant, aquaculture enterprise, farming enterprise, individual family farm, specialized scientific and educational or state institution? At AGROS you are sure to get the most useful information, learn about modern trends and programs, find solutions to many issues, be inspired by new exciting ideas and share your experience.




Additional information and services:
Exhibited products:
Feeding products
Veterinary and disinfection
Feeding, livestock and poultry housing equipment
Construction of agricultural buildings
Milking and cooling equipment
Forage harvesting
Transport services and vehicles
Feed mills equipment, storage and processing of grain
Equipment, accessories, spare parts
Energy efficiency and efficient use of resources
Management, consultancy and information
Opening hours:
Daily 10:00 to 18:00
Last 10:00 to 16:00
ООО "Агрос Экспо"
ООО "АГРОС ЭКСПО", ИНН 7726358328, erid:LdtCKBdS2


Photos from the last edition

АГРОС 2023: мощный старт года для российского АПК

С 25 по 27 января в павильоне №3 МВЦ «Крокус Экспо» пройдёт IV Международная выставка племенного дела, кормов, ветеринарии и технологий для животноводства, свиноводства, птицеводства и кормопроизводства АГРОС 2023. 

24 January 2023AGROS 2023

Проблемы молочной отрасли в новых экономических условиях рассмотрят на АГРОС 2023

Развитие российской молочной отрасли в разных её аспектах (генетика КРС, технологии для содержания, кормления и доения крупного и мелкого рогатого скота и т.д.) обещает стать одним из наиболее сильных и представительных направлений на выставке.

17 November 2022AGROS 2023
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