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Exhibitions Russia Perm Antique Salon & Hobby World 2020

Antique Salon & Hobby World 2020 - exhibition and Sale of Antiques

Antique Salon & Hobby World 2020 - exhibition and Sale of Antiques

from 3 to Dec. 6, 2020

About the exhibition Antique Salon & Hobby World 2020


Additional information and services:
Exhibited products:
Antique household items, culture and religion
Collectibles of all directions: numismatics, faleristics, philately and philocardi and much more
Albums and accessories for collectors literature for collectors
Goods for hobbies, creativity and leisure < br />Technical creativity: auto, aircraft, ship modeling
Hand-made and folk crafts, original products
Creative hobbies: theater, music, painting, dancing, photography
VO "Perm Fair"

Planned to be there Antique Salon & Hobby World 2020

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