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Exhibitions Argentina Буэнос-Айрес Automechanika Buenos Aires 2020

Automechanika Buenos Aires 2020 - argentina's leading international trade fair for the automotive service industry targeting trade visitors from South America

Automechanika Buenos Aires 2020 - argentina's leading international trade fair for the automotive service industry targeting trade visitors from South America

from 4 to Nov. 7, 2020
Argentina, Буэнос-Айрес, La Rural

About the exhibition Automechanika Buenos Aires 2020


Additional information and services:
Exhibited products:
Parts and components
Electronics and systems
Accessories and customizing
Repair and maintenance
Dealer and workshop management
Car wash
Care and reconditioning
Alternative drive systems and digital solutions
AFAC - Asociacion de Fabricas Argentinas de Componentes
visit the exhibition website


Planned to be there Automechanika Buenos Aires 2020

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