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Exhibitions Kazakhstan Astana Automechanika Astana 2020

Automechanika Astana 2020 - kazakhstan’s leading regional trade fair for the automotive service industry targeting trade visitors from Kazakhstan and Central Asia

Automechanika Astana 2020 - kazakhstan’s leading regional trade fair for the automotive service industry targeting trade visitors from Kazakhstan and Central Asia

from 15 to April 17, 2020   from 2 to July 4, 2020
Kazakhstan, Astana, Exhibition Centre «Korme»

About the exhibition Automechanika Astana 2020


Additional information and services:
Exhibited products:
Parts and components
Electronics and connectivity
Accessories and customizing
Diagnostics and repair
Dealer and workshop management
Car wash and care
Alternative drive systems and fuels
Tires and wheels
Body and paint
Mobility as a service and autonomous driving
Opening hours:
10am - 6pm, last day 10am - 4pm
Business Media Central Asia LLP


Planned to be there Automechanika Astana 2020

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Выставка автомобильной промышленности Automechanika Astana 2020 — новые национальные павильоны и тематические разделы

С 15 по 17 апреля в Нур-Султане пройдет выставка Automechanika Astana 2020. Успех выставки 2019 года вдохновил организаторов на расширение экспозиции и деловой программы.

08 November 2019Automechanika Astana 2020