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Exhibitions Russia Omsk Автоматизация, электроника, измерения 2020

Автоматизация, электроника, измерения 2020 - specialized Exhibition

Автоматизация, электроника, измерения 2020 - specialized Exhibition

from 25 to March 27, 2020   No new dates announced

About the exhibition Автоматизация, электроника, измерения 2020


Additional information and services:
Exhibited products:
ICT in industry
Automation of enterprise management
Automation of technological processes
Automation of industrial infrastructure of enterprises
Automation of design and development activities
Ready industry solutions: mechanical engineering, energy, petrochemicals < >Technical and software tools for automation and automation
Built-in systems
Measuring devices and systems
Drives, pneumatic and hydraulic systems
Electrical some equipment and materials for automation systems
Elektronnye components and parts
Tehnologii, equipment, enclosure systems for the electronics industry
Istochniki power
Opening hours:
10am - 5pm
IEC "Intersib"


Planned to be there Автоматизация, электроника, измерения 2020

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