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Exhibitions Argentina Буэнос-Айрес BIEL Light + Building Buenos Aires 2021

BIEL Light + Building Buenos Aires 2021 - biennial International Trade Fair of the Electric, Electronic and Lighting Industry

BIEL Light + Building Buenos Aires 2021 - biennial International Trade Fair of the Electric, Electronic and Lighting Industry

from 8 to Sept. 11, 2021
Argentina, Буэнос-Айрес, La Rural

About the exhibition BIEL Light + Building Buenos Aires 2021


Additional information and services:
Exhibited products:
Electrical energy: generation
Transmission and distribution - Lighting: equipment and components - Automation: automation in houses
Buildings and industry installations - Installations: systems and components for electrical and communication
Installations in houses
Buildings and industries - Electronia: devices
Equipment and services for the electronic industry
With Seguriexpo Buenos Aires - South American Trade Fair for Commercial and Information Security: Commercial security
Homeland security
Information security
GPS and road security
Access control and cards
BMS (Building Management Systems)
Fire detection
Entities and organizations
Opening hours:
1pm - 8pm, last day 11am - 7pm
CADIEEL - Camara Argentina de Industrias Electronicas, Electromecanicas y Luminotecnicas
visit the exhibition website

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