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Exhibitions Online Online-event CeMAT RUSSIA 2020

CeMAT RUSSIA 2020 - international Trade Fair for Materials Handling and Logistics

CeMAT RUSSIA 2020 - international Trade Fair for Materials Handling and Logistics

from 22 to Sept. 23, 2020
Online, Online-event

About the exhibition CeMAT RUSSIA 2020

CeMAT RUSSIA is a key exhibition of warehouse equipment, automation and systems, handling equipment and logistics services. It is the biggest event in Russia that presents a wide range of products and integrated solutions for warehouse logistics and supply chain organization.

So that you can communicate with your colleagues, keep up with market trends and hold negotiations with partners and suppliers, from September 22 to 23, 2020, an online communication platform will operate on the exhibition website www.cemat-russia.ru.

You can:

  • Communicate directly with company representatives
  • Receive personal advice and conduct private negotiations
  • Get  access to useful content: presentations and participants’ streams 
  • Participate in round tables and conferences live

Online communication today is the only way to guarantee the health safety of visitors and participants at CeMAT RUSSIA, which is the unconditional priority of the organizers. Access to all the features of the online platform is free by registration.

Follow the news of the exhibition and project.

Business program

About CeMAT Russia 2020

CeMAT is the brand of the German exhibition company Deutsche Messe AG. Exhibitions of intralogistic technologies, warehouse equipment and automation are held around the world in Germany, Italy, Turkey, Russia, China, Mexico, Indonesia, Singapore, and Australia.

Companies such as Honewell, PSI, Manitou, Modula, DoorHan, Haulotte, SSI Shaefer, Wagner, Sevco, Comitas, Kaup, Vanderlande, EME, First Logistik, Interroll, Constructor, JCB, EnerSys, Nilfisk, JAC, TENTE, ORBIS, Nilfisk, PEC and many others take part in the event.

The exhibition focuses on “hardware”, logistics solutions, and innovations.

Vladimir Serebryakov, FMLogistic business development director in Russia


Everything for warehouse and logistics

CeMAT RUSSIA 2020 is worth visiting if you manage supply chains and warehouse operations, automation in industrial enterprises, food production, consumer goods, distribution centers of retail chains and e-commerce. Leading global solution providers will bring to Moscow:

  • handling equipment;
  • storage systems and racks;
  • means of automation of the warehouse and organization of warehouse accounting and WMS systems and robots;
  • equipment and software for order picking and packaging;
  • operational equipment for the warehouse and production of security systems, industrial lighting, barriers, gates and much more;
  • logistics services — 3PL, fulfillment.



CeMAT RUSSIA 2020 will share the venue with an international exhibition of transport packaging, equipment and automation systems for packaging processes, TRANSPACK, that will expand CeMAT RUSSIA 2020 with packaging solutions for the transport and logistics chains from robots to boxes and pallets. 

Business program

CeMAT RUSSIA is a platform for professional dialogue, networking and education. CeMAT RUSSIA traditionally offers a program of conferences, seminars and discussions on topics that are most relevant for specialists such as distribution logistics, outsourcing of logistics services, fulfillment market, supply chain management in retail, automation of logistics processes, transport packaging issues, warehouse safety, building a career in logistics and others.

Last year's event program included four conference locations, three days of the business program, 20 events, and 1,600 delegates. The 2020 business program will be published later. Follow the updates on the official website!

Additional information and services:
Exhibited products:
Mechanical handling
Warehousing technology and workshop equipment
Packaging and order picking equipment
Loading technology
Entire systems for material handling technology
Warehouse technology
Traffic engineering
Intralogistics - systems and software
Logistics services and outsourcing
Opening hours:
10am - 6pm, last day 10am - 4pm
Deutsche Messe AG
visit the exhibition website

Planned to be there CeMAT RUSSIA 2020

No one has checked in at the event so far.

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СeMAT RUSSIA и TRANSPACK перенесены на 2021 год

Компания "Дойче Мессе РУС", организатор CeMAT RUSSIA и TRANSPACK, объявила о переносе этих двух выставок. Новые даты проведения - с 21 по 23 сентября 2021 года

22 July 2020CeMAT RUSSIA 2020

Логисты против пандемии

Круглый стол "Логисты против пандемии" под эгидой CeMAT RUSSIA состоится 8 апреля в онлайн формате

07 April 2020CeMAT RUSSIA 2020

Международная выставка складской техники CeMAT Russia 2020 cтала «одобрена UFI»

На прошедшем с 6 по 9 ноября в Бангкоке UFI Global Congress выставке CeMAT Russia присвоили высший знак Всемирной Ассоциации выставочной индустрии — «UFI Approved Event».

14 November 2019CeMAT RUSSIA 2020
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