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CIOOE 2020 - china International Exhibition of Offshore Oil and Gas Production Technologies

CIOOE 2020 - china International Exhibition of Offshore Oil and Gas Production Technologies

from 26 to Aug. 28, 2020

About the exhibition CIOOE 2020


Additional information and services:
Exhibited products:
Offshore engineering
Oil and gas zoning of the territories
Drilling and downhole technologies
Technical equipment and services
Equipment for oil / gas extraction
Equipment for environmental protection
_ equipment
Oil refining and chemicals
Equipment for power generation
Geophysical products and services
Geographic information systems
Meeting systems
Global GPS location systems
Explosion-proof schennoe equipment
Vertolety / planes

Geohimicheskie servicesGeologicheskie research and consultation
Uslugi consultants, project design, engineering in geochemistry
Beijing Zhenwei Exhibition Co.,Ltd.
visit the exhibition website

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