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Exhibitions Russia Simferopolʼ Крым. Стройиндустрия. Энергосбережение. Весна 2020

Крым. Стройиндустрия. Энергосбережение. Весна 2020 - interregional Specialized Exhibition

Крым. Стройиндустрия. Энергосбережение. Весна 2020 - interregional Specialized Exhibition

from 12 to March 14, 2020
Russia, Simferopolʼ

About the exhibition Крым. Стройиндустрия. Энергосбережение. Весна 2020


Additional information and services:
Exhibited products:
Modern building materials and technologies
Construction machines and mechanisms
Windows, doors, roofs, facades
Metal structures
Sanitary engineering
Ecology. Water purification systems
Heating, ventilation and air conditioning systems
Boiler equipment
Electrical and lighting equipment
Cable-conductor products
Energy saving and use of non-traditional environmentally friendly energy sources
Systems of automation, software for enterprises in the construction, energy and electrical industries
Forum Crimean exhibitions LLC
visit the exhibition website

Planned to be there Крым. Стройиндустрия. Энергосбережение. Весна 2020

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