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Exhibitions Russia Yakutsk Медэкспо. Здоровье и красота 2020

Медэкспо. Здоровье и красота 2020 - interregional Specialized Exhibition

Медэкспо. Здоровье и красота 2020 - interregional Specialized Exhibition

from 8 to April 10, 2020   from 24 to Sept. 26, 2020
Russia, Yakutsk , СК "МОДУН"

About the exhibition Медэкспо. Здоровье и красота 2020


Additional information and services:
Exhibited products:
Medical technology, equipment and diagnostics
Consumables, care and hygiene products, medical clothing
Medical clinics and private practice
Aesthetic medicine, cosmetology and dermatology
Treatment abroad
Optics and ophthalmology
Products for children, mothers and newborns
Special medical literature
ООО "Выставочная компания Сибэкспосервис"


Planned to be there Медэкспо. Здоровье и красота 2020

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