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Exhibitions Russia Saratov Oil. Gas. Chem 2020

Oil. Gas. Chem 2020 - specialized exhibition in the framework of the Saratov Industrial Forum

Oil. Gas. Chem 2020 - specialized exhibition in the framework of the Saratov Industrial Forum

from 3 to June 5, 2020
Russia, Saratov, Манеж Дворца спорта «Кристалл»

About the exhibition Oil. Gas. Chem 2020


Additional information and services:
Exhibited products:
Oil and gas industry:
geology and geophysics of oil and gas
development, construction and operation of oil and gas wells
oil and gas production
construction of oil and gas industry facilities
transportation and storage of oil, oil products and gas
pipes and pipelines
oil and gas processing
sale of oil, gas and oil products, gas stations
environmental, industrial and fire safety
labor protection
automation means
laboratory Thorne equipment
information and software
ZAO Sofit-Expo


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