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Exhibitions Russia Izhevsk Oil. Gas. Chemistry. Izhevsk 2021

Oil. Gas. Chemistry. Izhevsk 2021 - all-Russian Specialized Exhibition

Oil. Gas. Chemistry. Izhevsk 2021 - all-Russian Specialized Exhibition

from 15 to Sept. 17, 2021
Russia, Izhevsk , Площадка у ТЦ «Мой Порт», мобильный павильон

About the exhibition Oil. Gas. Chemistry. Izhevsk 2021


Additional information and services:
Exhibited products:
Oil and gas production, processing and marketing
Equipment for the construction and operation of oil production, oil refining, gas and chemical industries
Oil and gas geology and geophysics
Technique and technologies for oil and gas production, oil refining and petrochemicals
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