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Exhibitions Russia Irkutsk Garden. Country House 2020

Garden. Country House 2020 - specialized Exhibition-Fair

Garden. Country House 2020 - specialized Exhibition-Fair

from 12 to Aug. 15, 2020

About the exhibition Garden. Country House 2020


Additional information and services:
Exhibited products:
Seeds and planting stock, soil, fertilizers, plant protection products
Ornamental trees, shrubs, conifers, flower crops
Floristry, flower arrangements
Services of nurseries, greenhouses, landscape designers, flower salons
Gardening tools, mini-appliances
Clubs, cooperatives, associations of gardeners, gardeners
Garden and park design, landscape design, landscaping of plots and cottages
Cottages, country houses, baths, saunas , courtyard construction
Fireplaces, stoves, greenhouses, orange priests, conservatories
Gardening, garden furniture, forged and wickerwork
Materials for paving, drainage, decoration
Electrical equipment, heating, water supply, lighting, watering equipment
Water devices (pools, ponds, fountains)
Small architectural forms
Literature for specialists, printed and advertising materials
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