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Exhibitions Russia Saint Petersburg St.Petersburg International Health Forum (SPIFH) 2023

St.Petersburg International Health Forum (SPIFH) 2023 - multidisciplinary medical congress and specialized exhibitions complex

St.Petersburg International Health Forum (SPIFH) 2023 - multidisciplinary medical congress and specialized exhibitions complex

from 4 to Oct. 6, 2023
Russia, Saint Petersburg, ExpoForum Convention and Exhibition Centre

About the exhibition St.Petersburg International Health Forum (SPIFH) 2023

The St. Petersburg International Health Forum is a major event in the Northwest Federal District in the field of health care and public health. Its main objectives are to promote the national projects "Healthcare" and "Demography", "Tourism and Hospitality Industry", as well as the federal project "Development of Medical Services Export" and the state program "Development of St. Petersburg Healthcare".

The organizers' experience and the event's reputation makes SPIHF a unique communication ground for finding partners, scholarly meetings and informal communication with the target visitors. Participation in the International Forum will help you to strengthen business relations, to discuss trends and challenges in healthcare, to find solutions to priority tasks for the industry's development.

The general architecture of the Forum includes congress, exhibition and youth programs.




Congress Program

The SPIHF-2023 congress program will include more than 60 scientific and practical events with more than 200 prominent speakers. The program will focus on scientific and practical conferences for industry leaders and professionals, interdisciplinary reports, seminars, case studies, discussion of new methods, workshops, and B2B negotiations. In particular, the following events are planned:

  • International Congress "Medical Petersburg";
  • Official events program (events hosted by the executive state authorities and open meetings of industry public organizations and unions);
  • Business events program ( including business contacts exchange, matchmaking program, business tours, etc.);
  • Program of scientific and practical events (topical conferences, round tables, sessions, seminars, participants are awarded with continuous medical education credits).

Open events of the congress program are free subject to prior registration, which will open one month before the Forum.

Exhibition Program

In 2022, 55 companies took part in the exhibition program of the St. Petersburg International Health Forum. The SPIHF-2023 exhibitors will be present at their booths:

  • Medical technology, medical products, consumables, services;
  • Pharmaceuticals, aesthetic and alternative medicine, wellness products;
  • Health and medical tourism.

Do you have something to offer in these areas? Would you like to make a speech or be an expert? Join the SPIHF-2023 exhibitors!




Moreover the exhibition program will include the All-Russian Contest of Innovative Health Care Solutions and the "Territory of Health" public space.

  Петербургский международный форум здоровья (ПМФЗ) 2023 - многопрофильный медицинский конгресс и комплекс специализированных выставок  

Youth Program

As part of the Forum's youth program, the "Young Medicine" Quantorium will be held. The set of interactive events and active interaction forms will draw attention to scientific and practical medicine careers, develop innovation skills and competencies, and promote healthy lifestyles among young people.

Additional information and services:
Exhibited products:
Medical technology, instruments, tools, supplies
Medical equipment for medical offices
Equipment and technologies for radiation safety in healthcare organizations.
Digitalization in Healthcare
Support services for medical organizations
Rehabilitation and prosthetic/orthopaedic aids
Services for Medical Devices Manufacturing
Laboratory diagnostics
Modern Medical Clothing
Medical Tourism, Spa Medicine
Opening hours:
Daily 10:00 tо 18:00
visit the exhibition website
ООО "ЭФ-ИНТЕРНЭШНЛ", ИНН 7811518396, erid:LdtCKDJ5c


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В Санкт-Петербурге завершаются последние приготовления перед открытием ПМФЗ-2023

XI Петербургский Международный Форум Здоровья объединит экспертов медицинской отрасли, представителей бизнеса, а также других заинтересованных сторон.

03 October 2023St.Petersburg International Health Forum (SPIFH) 2023