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Exhibitions Russia Saint Petersburg St. Petersburg International Health Forum (PIHF) 2022

St. Petersburg International Health Forum (PIHF) 2022 - multidisciplinary medical congress and a complex of specialized exhibitions

St. Petersburg International Health Forum (PIHF) 2022 - multidisciplinary medical congress and a complex of specialized exhibitions

from 25 to Oct. 27, 2022
Russia, Saint Petersburg, ExpoForum Convention and Exhibition Centre

About the exhibition St. Petersburg International Health Forum (PIHF) 2022

The St. Petersburg International Health Forum (SPIF) is a key event in the Northwestern Federal District in the field of healthcare and health protection. It allows professionals to exchange experiences, as well as acquire new knowledge and competencies through the participation of leading experts and opinion leaders.

Within the framework of the SPF 2022, there will be:

  • a Medical Industry exhibition;
  • a fair of goods and services;
  • a program of scientific and practical events;
  • a competition for innovative healthcare solutions.

If you work in the healthcare sector and your business plans include promoting your brand and products among the professional community, searching for new business contacts, analyzing the situation on the domestic and international markets, assessing the competitiveness of your own company and potential partners, then participating in the St. Petersburg International Health Forum is the best solution for you!

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Business program

The congress part of the St. Petersburg International Health Forum in 2022 includes events of various formats, such as conferences, round tables, master classes, trainings. 

Among its key events are:

  • V Interregional Scientific and Practical Conference with International Participation titled as "Medicine and Quality. Ensuring the quality and safety of medical activities" (the program is being accredited in the CME system);
  • Strategic session titled as "Actual issues of health tourism development";
  • IV conference Military medicine of the XXI century (the program is being accredited in the NMO system);
  • Conference Management of nursing activities in the North-Western Federal District (the program is being accredited in the NMO system);
  • Conference Healthy childhood in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic;
  • Round table Actual problems of multimorbidity in patients who have undergone a new coronavirus infection.

The program also includes business excursions to medical institutions in St. Petersburg.


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Additional information and services:
Exhibited products:
Medical equipment, devices, instruments, consumables
Medical equipment for equipping medical offices
Equipment and technologies of RCB safety in medical organizations
Digitalization in healthcare
Services for ensuring the activities of medical organizations
Rehabilitation and prosthetic-orthopedic means
Services for manufacturers of medical devices
Laboratory diagnostics
Modern medical clothing
Medical tourism, spa medicine
Opening hours:
Daily from 10am to 6pm
visit the exhibition website


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Ключевое событие СЗФО в сфере здравоохранения пройдёт с 25 по 27 октября в КВЦ «Экспофорум».

11 October 2022St. Petersburg International Health Forum (PIHF) 2022