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Exhibitions Russia Volgograd PromExpo 2020

PromExpo 2020 - volgograd Forum of Industrial Automation and Digitalization

PromExpo 2020 - volgograd Forum of Industrial Automation and Digitalization

from 1 to Oct. 2, 2020
Russia, Volgograd, ВК «Экспоцентр»

About the exhibition PromExpo 2020


Additional information and services:
Exhibited products:
Welding. Cutting. Control.
Machine building
Energy. Energy Saving.
Electronics. Electrical Engineering.
Automation. Instrument making. Robotics.
Industrial lighting.
Oil, gas and chemical industry.
Metrological support of production.
Nanotechnologies in industry.
Industrial safety. Tool. Overalls. Means of protection.
Professional training. Training
Opening hours:
10am - 7pm
ООО "Выставочный комплекс ВолгоградЭКСПО"

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