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Exhibitions Russia Moscow RENWEX 2023

RENWEX 2023 - renewable Energy & Electric Vehicles International Exhibition & Forum

RENWEX 2023 - renewable Energy & Electric Vehicles International Exhibition & Forum

from 20 to June 22, 2023
Russia, Moscow, Expocentre Fairgrounds

About the exhibition RENWEX 2023

International exhibition and forum "RENWEX. Renewable Energy and Electric Vehicles" is held under the auspices of the Russian Chamber of Commerce and Industry, and in 2023 it will be held for the 4th time. Over the years, the exhibition and forum have become the flagship events in the field of renewable energy and electric vehicles in Russia to connect professionals, find suppliers and new sales channels, develop new solutions and identify trends in the RES development, electric vehicles and charging infrastructure.

The status of RENWEX as a top-quality and efficient business venue is evidenced by statistics: in 2022, more than 70 major manufacturers and suppliers of RES, electric vehicles and charging infrastructure presented their innovative developments, equipment, technologies, electric vehicles and charging infrastructure at the exhibition. Over the three days of the exhibition, the total number of trade visitors (from 25 countries and 73 regions of Russia) amounted to 6,300 people.


What are the benefits of exhibiting at RENWEX?

Participation in RENWEX offers manufacturers and suppliers of renewable energy technologies and solutions, electric vehicles and charging infrastructure an opportunity to solve a number of important commercial problems at the same time:

  • to introduce new relevant products to the market;
  • to add new leads to the client base;
  • to receive orders directly at the exhibition;
  • to directly communicate with the biggest clients;
  • to expand the sales geography.

The exposition and events of the RENWEX business program feature wind, solar, hydro, bio-, geothermal and hydrogen energy, energy efficiency, energy and resource-saving technologies, microgeneration, electric vehicles and charging infrastructure, environmental safety, waste recycling and other fields. 


Why visit RENWEX 2023?

The exhibition relevance for the industry community is annually proved both by the quantity and quality of exhibits and the number of visitors. In 2023, during 3 days of the exhibition and forum industry professionals will be able to:

  • get acquainted with technologies, new equipment models, electric vehicles, and charging infrastructure;
  • personally meet and negotiate with manufacturers and suppliers from different regions of Russia and foreign countries;
  • get advice from technical specialists;
  • visit the business program events.
    RENWEX 2023 - международная выставка оборудования и технологий для возобновляемой энергетики и электротранспорта  

Business Program

Traditionally, the RENWEX exhibition is accompanied by an extensive business program that covers all major trends of the modern renewable energy and electric vehicles market. The three-day forum consists of thematic sessions, which are attended by leading experts in the field of sustainable development, alternative energy and electric mobility, representatives of government agencies, energy companies, business unions and associations, reputable research institutions, key mass media.

Additional information and services:
Exhibited products:
Wind power 
Solar power 
Hydrogen energy 
Solid household waste as a renewable energy source 
E-transport and Charging infrastructure 
Bioenergy, biogas and solid biofuel 
Geothermal energy 
Network infrastructure and solutions for renewable energy integration 
Energy and resource saving technologies
Industrial energy efficiency 
Measuring and control equipment and systems, automated process control systems 
Safety of energy facilities and environment protection 
Investments, finances, insurance 
Inspection and monitoring of power generation facilities 
Opening hours:
Daily 10:00 to 18:00
Last day 10:00 to 16:00
АО «Экспоцентр»
visit the exhibition website
АО "ЭКСПОЦЕНТР", ИНН 7718033809, erid:LdtCKKfvd


Через две недели в Москве откроется международная выставка RENWEX 2023

Её тематика охватывает ветро-, гидро-, био-, геотермальную, водородную и солнечную энергетику, микрогенерацию, электротранспорт и зарядную инфраструктуру.

07 June 2023RENWEX 2023