More than 300 exhibitors will present their products at 60'TEXTILLEGPROM.
The fair will feature the entire light industry: men's, women's and children's clothing; knitwear; underwear; footwear; accessories and fittings; home textiles; natural and faux fur and leather; fabrics.
Organized by: RLP-Yarmarka LLC, Legpromexpo LLC, National Association of Textile and Light Industry Enterprises (NAPTLP).
Under the patronage of: Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Russian Federation, International Chamber of Commerce and Industry.
The LegpromExpo Forum and Expo will focus on demonstrating advanced technologies in the domestic textile and light industry, as well as the latest achievements of the neighboring counties. It will feature 8 thematic salons:
The International Fair "Leather-Footwear-Fur-Technologies" will enrich the agenda of TEXTILLEGPROM. It will present a full range of leather, footwear and related products - from raw materials to finished products, including natural and faux furs, fur coats and fur hats.
Visiting TEXTILLEGPROM will help to fins solutions to a wide range of business tasks, in particular, to study new products, to analyze market trends and identify needs, to find new partners.
The Federal wholesale fair of goods and equipment for textile and light industry "TEXTILLEGPROM" will be accompanied by an extensive business program, which includes separate events, addressing the most pressing issues, for each salon of the fair.
Delegates will get information about novelties and achievements in the field of design and technology, discuss current industry topics, participate in discussions with colleagues, share experiences. A detailed schedule will be published shortly before the event.
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