UPAKEXPO is a new brand of the expo project previously known as upakovka. The reboot has not affected its usual format: the show will be held in parallel and on the same platform as the international trade show of plastics and rubbers RUPLASTICA and the international trade show of recycling and waste disposal technologies RECYCLING SOLUTIONS.
UPAKEXPO 2023 will focus on three major areas of the industry: packaging equipment and finished packaging, bottling technology and printing for the production of packaging and labels. The entire production and processing value chain will be on display.
Would you like to introduce your technologies, solutions and services in the field of packaging? By joining UPAKEXPO 2023 you will reach out directly to industry professionals, find new partners and make profitable deals!
At the UPAKEXPO 2023 International Trade Show, you can find the equipment, materials and services you need to address your challenges. There is a wide range of machines and equipment that you might need to produce:
Moreover, the show will feature:
Don't miss the opportunity to talk face to face with manufacturers and distributors at UPAKEXPO 2023, evaluate the machines in action and choose the most suitable offer in the market! The business agenda of the show will provide you with comprehensive information about the current state of the global packaging industry market and promising trends in the development of packaging production.
Visitor registration will open in November 2022.
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Открылась онлайн-регистрация посетителей на UPAKEXPO 2023
Международная специализированная выставка упаковки, печати и технологий розлива состоится с 24 по 27 января 2023 года в ЦВК «Экспоцентр» (павильон 8).
05 December 2022UPAKEXPO 2023Анонсирована программа деловых мероприятий выставки UPAKEXPO 2023
Параллельно в залах 8.1 и 8.3 ЦВК «Экспоцентр» будут работать две деловые зоны — INNOVATION PACK и UPAK SOLUTIONS.
02 November 2022UPAKEXPO 2023UPAKEXPO 2023 и как стать её экспонентом
С 24 по 27 января 2023 года выставка UPAKEXPO, ранее проходившая под брендом upakovka, станет местом встречи производителей и поставщиков упаковочного оборудования, готовой упаковки, упаковочных материалов и технологических решений с потребителями упаковочной продукции и услуг.
04 October 2022UPAKEXPO 2023