The Israeli Processing Co.


Textile industry

P.O. BOX 33, Yavne 81100 hasanhedrin avenue, Yavne 81215 Israel

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About the company:

IPC, The Israeli Processing Co., established in 1962 , merged with " Leviatan J.Gotshal & Co." which has been servicing the sewing industries in Israel and world wide, since 1925.

IPC is the largest manufacturer in Israel of various types of sewing threads and synthetic weaving yarns, dominating the domestic market and exporting to about 40 countries around the Globe.

Our main offices and plant (housed in 18,000 sqmt. buildings) are located in the city of Yavne, strategically situated 25 KM south of Tel Aviv and 10 KM from the main export port in the city of Ashdod.

We employ over 100 trained and dedicated employees, our plant is equipped with most modern machinery (producing 2,000 tons annually), and is approved by ISO and Oeko-Tex quality standards.

We pride ourselves in continuously maintaining high quality standards and pursuing the development of new and innovative products !


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