Saman LLC


Selling and services of forklifts, rich trucks, pallet transporters, conveyors, lacing of conveyors tapes, the racks. Selling and services of flowing electro boilers. Selling of transporters tapes, belts, reductors, conveyors rollers. Equipment for shops

Saman LLC, legal address: b.26, Marchenko-street, Cheljabinsk-city, Cheljabinsk region, Russia, 454085

Additional information
About the company:

Saman LLC, +7 922 757 8888, +7 950 737 1551, +7 351 218 15 62, E-mails:,, ICQ 348016088, skype: gurov.vjatcheslav, Site:

Selling and services of forklifts, rich trucks, pallet transporters, conveyors, lacing of conveyors tapes, the racks. Selling and services of flowing electro boilers. Selling of transporters tapes, belts, reductors, conveyors rollers. Equipment for shops and food centers. Selling and services equipment for sausages, frozen food products. Cleaning equipment. Packing equipment. Interested in alternative sources of heat and electro energy- solar panels, wind generators, equipment for domestic&industrial reworking.


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