The working world is characterized by fundamental change. Digital transformation and demographic change are in full swing. A+A 2019 in Dusseldorf from 5 to 8 November shows possible approaches and how the working world is getting prepared for it, what is to be done and what is already being done to have safe and healthy workplaces in future, too.

Safe & healthy work: a theme that affects everyone
The choice of employer is no longer only decided by the wage or company name. In line with the rising awareness of safe and healthy working, the market has shown a growing interest in trade fair participation.
“Many companies that have already exhibited at A+A for years, are back again and some have even enlarged their exhibition space. Likewise, the high number of new exhibitors underscores the importance of A+A as the world’s No. 1 for safety and health at work,” says Wolfram Diener, Managing Director at Messe Dusseldorf GmbH, confirming the positive response.
A+A 2019 is set to break another record with 2,100 exhibitors from 64 countries. The latest products and services for personal protective equipment and the implementation of health-maintaining, safe processes will be on display on over 78,000 square meters.
Exhibits range from corporate fashion and ergonomic office furniture, through protective equipment and software to corporate environmental protection measures such as fire protection and emergency management.
“In view of A+A’s substantial growth we are delighted to be able to enlarge the space we offer compared to the previous event by including the new multi-functional Hall 1, thereby occupying ten halls with A+A for the first time now,” explains Diener.
Congress for occupational health and occupational medicine
Held in parallel with the A+A trade fair will be the 36th International Congress for Occupational Health and Occupational Medicine at Congress Center Düsseldorf (CCD). Its program centers on the interactive exchange with some 350 experts from political, research circles and occupational safety and health practitioners who will address societal developments, reform projects, technical and organisational innovations as well as the latest scientific findings.
The most important congress for the sector is organized by the German Federal Association of Occupational Safety and Health (Bundesarbeitsgemeinschaft für Sicherheit und Gesundheit bei der Arbeit — Basi). This year sees over 50 series of events being organised on such current issues as Work 4.0, the future of work in Europe and worldwide as well as the new format “Praxis Interaktiv”.
New: the A+A start-up zone
The new A+A start-up zone in celebrates its premiere this year. Kicking off the new format 15 international newcomers in this industry will present web-based software for safety at work and corporate health management, VR applications in fire protection, hazardous substances management by App, body-scan services for the digital determination of body measurements and apparel sizes, a vertical-horizontal fall protection system as well as a digital sourcing and supply platform for personal protective equipment.
The text/image source: official exhibition website A+A 2019
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