International Boat Show ADIBS 2019 is scheduled to take place at ADNEC Marina from 16 to 19 October.

Exhibitors will bring latest in luxury yachting, as well as leisure marine, fishing and water sports equipment to ADNEC’s 31,000-square-metre marina.
Organized by Abu Dhabi National Exhibitions Company (ADNEC), the launch of ADIBS last year saw regional and international media and visitors, as well as leisure marine industry professionals, stakeholders and families, come together at the versatile ADNEC Marina to discover luxury yachts, fishing boats, and marine equipment and technologies. This year’s show is expected to draw 25,000 visitors over the four days.
In addition to checking out state-of-the-art flying yachts, electric surfboards, houseboats, power boats and catamarans, visitors to this year’s show can also go out on the water and experience various adrenaline-pumping water sports and activities. Live on-water demonstrations, stunt performances, foot-tapping live music and evening shows are the other crowd pullers. Attendees can also enjoy a leisurely heritage boat tour, take sailing lessons and learn the fundamentals of fishing from experts in the marine industry.
Inaugurated by His Highness Sheikh Nahyan bin Zayed Al Nahyan, Chairman of the Board of Trustees of Zayed bin Sultan Al Nahyan Charitable and Humanitarian Foundation and Chairman of Abu Dhabi Sports Council, ADIBS 2018 witnessed ADNEC Marina come to life and welcomed more than 270 exhibitors and exhibiting brands from 25 countries from across the region, Europe and America.
Visitors, stakeholders and exhibitors planning to attend ADIBS 2019 can look forward to special offers and discounts on packages, accommodation, family tours and fun activities through a partnership in place between ADIBS and Etihad Holidays.
ADIBS 2019 will provide a unique platform for local and international exhibitors to display their latest products and services to a global audience with an interest in leisure marine. The boat show underscores Abu Dhabi’s growing marine tourism potential and promotes the UAE’s capital as a global hub for the leisure marine industry.
The text/image source: official exhibition website ADIBS 2019
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