AfriBuild is gearing up for its launch at the Johannesburg Expo Centre, Nasrec, from October 13 to 15, 2020. The trade-only expo will be a biennial event that will take place over three days and intends to become a hands-on building solutions show for the entire sector.

Specialised Exhibitions Montgomery Event Director Sven Smit explains, "The show is aimed at equipping the local building sector for successful future advancement, through the use of practical examples and demonstrations, and the sharing of skills and advice. With a strong focus on skills development, knowledge exchange is intended to be a real distinguishing characteristic of AfriBuild. In this way, we are planning to enable the expo to play an important role in helping uplift the industry."
The show will include two free-to-attend seminar theatres, one for AfriBuild and one for PlumbDrain, which will allow expert speakers to focus on key industry trends and topics. It will also see dedicated AfriBuild and PlumbDrain demo areas, where experts will explain new concepts and give practical examples.
The show will be divided into four zones where exhibitors will be able to provide concrete 'how-to' guidance within their unique areas, as follows: the MEP Services Zone, The Tools, Equipment and Materials Zone; the Structure Zone; and the Technology and Innovation Zone.
The text/image source: Expodatabase, official exhibition website AfriBuild 2020
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