Taking place on 23 September, alongside Comic Con Africa at Gallagher Convention Centre, the forum aims to connect businesses and brands within the burgeoning entertainment sector and bring the entire South African gaming sector together.

The digital video gaming sector is one of the biggest success stories in the South African entertainment and media industries. Yet, this sector is not fully understood and the investment opportunities are abundant. Exploring the growth and investment potential of this sector, Reed Exhibitions and ReedPOP will once again be hosting The Business of Gaming Forum, and this year it levels up.
The Business of Gaming Forum 2019 informs and showcases a wide range of opportunities and business pillars within the gaming industry and will strongly focus on esports, branded gaming and game development.
With a predicted compound annual growth rate of 19.8% between 2017 and 2022 and esports at 20.2%, gaming has developed far beyond being a hobbyist activity, and is now a viable career choice of many students applying to sought after courses at institutions such as Wits and Vega.
“The 2019 Forum will set the tone for an engaging series of discussions and presentations by inspirational international and local keynote speakers, pioneering business leaders and gaming subject matter experts from across the globe, who are already changing the landscape of their industry,” says Carol Weaving, Managing Director of Reed Exhibitions, who own and organise the Forum. “It is for those serious about the various enterprises relevant to the gaming sector, and topics such as, The overview of the South African gaming landscape and Why South African game development is a great market for investment, will offer thorough insight into this ever growing industry.”
In 2017, for the first time, social/casual gaming revenue (R1.6bn) overtook traditional revenue (R1.4bn) and will continue to grow at a faster rate in South Africa, as indicated by the PWC Entertainment and Media: 2018 — 2022 report. Touching on subjects such as these amongst the international delegates on the panels, Sam Wright, aka “Tech Girl”, who has worked internationally commentating at various esports events and built various successful content creation channels in South Africa with a core focus on gaming and tech, will also take part in panel discussions.
Delegates will be engaged through panel discussions such as How to level-up — The secret to branded gaming and What the African gaming ecosystem needs to grow, which will host panellists from the local and international market.
International keynote speakers include representatives from the Forum’s international media partner; Esports Insider. Sam Cooke, Managing Director and Co-Founder Ollie Ring, Head of Business Development and Media at Esports Insider, will be discussing Future proofing your Esports and gaming brand and why the time to act is now.
From India, Akshat Rathee, an experienced serial-entrepreneur, who recently left NODWIN gaming to join Nazara Gaming, has a history of working in the start-up space, will be sharing his expertise in gaming, telecommunications and venture capital as part of a talk entitled The business of Esports and how the ecosystem makes money.
Other programme highlights include Ben Myers, Co-Founder and Creative Director of Nyamakop Games, “one of the most promising studios in African game development” as described by Polygon, presenting Squeezing into the Industry: The Lateral Development of Semblance, as well as topics such as the business of game development among others.
The Forum is directed at business investors, brand executives, brand agencies and managers as well as content creators, game developer and esports businesses who are encouraged to register for the full-day forum to be a part of the engaging discussions, networking opportunities as well as a tour of Comic Con Africa.
Seats are limited and booking in advance for The Business of Gaming Forum is advised.
The text/image source: Biz Community, official exhibition website Comic Con Africa 2019
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