The pay raise in the business events industry amounts to more than twice the North American average.

This is the result of Convene's 2019 Salary Survey report. The research conducted by the magazine published by PCMA found that nearly three-quarters of business events organisers received a raise over the past year — and their average increase of seven percent is more than twice the average for North American workers across all industries.
Still, only half those who responded to Convene's survey reported satisfaction with their current salary, which averages $82,769 for all respondents. Long hours (averaging 46 hours each week), high stress, lack of organisational recognition and limited flexibility, particularly in having the option to work at least part of the time from home, were frequently cited as aspects survey participants liked least about their jobs.
The 2019 Survey found 80 percent of respondents are satisfied with the business events industry as a whole, yet only 69 percent are happy with their specific jobs. That's a lower job satisfaction rate than other workforce studies.
"Going back to the comments respondents made, I think the disparity has a lot to do with the high level of stress that comes with their jobs and how few of their organisations' leaders recognise the skill and expertise required to execute successful events,"
— Michelle Russell, Convene's editor-in-chief.
The text source: Expodatabase, the image source: official website PCMA
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