Cosmoprof Worldwide Bologna, the leading B2B international event for the cosmetic industry, is preparing to inaugurate the 2020 edition, which will be held from March 12 to 16 in Bologna, Italy.

“With its 53 years of history, Cosmoprof Worldwide Bologna is still a unique event among international trade fairs — says Gianpiero Calzolari, President of BolognaFiere. — Cosmoprof is a reference event for operators and companies all over the world: the event offers a detailed and referenced view of future evolution for the sector. The 2020 edition will bring over 3,000 companies to Bologna — over 70% from abroad — and more than 265,000 attendees: these record results have been achieved thanks to the collaboration with Cosmetica Italia, making Cosmoprof an ambassador of our made in Italy, and with e support of the Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation and ITA - Italian Trade Agency. "
For the next edition, Cosmoprof Worldwide Bologna keeps on facilitating business opportunities of companies and operators, and consequently the development of the cosmetic market.
- From Thursday 12 to Sunday 15 March 2020, Cosmopack and Cosmo | Perfumery & Cosmetics will open, to encourage meetings between producers and specialists in the supply chain, finished product companies, buyers and retailers for Perfumery and Cosmetics, Green & Organic and Cosmoprime, the area dedicated to high-end perfumery.
- From Friday 13 to Monday 16 March, professional distribution channels of Cosmo Hair & Nail & Beauty Salon will welcome owners of salons and beauty centers, hairstylists, hairdressers, nail technicians and distributors specialized in these segments.
The exhibition area dedicated to the Country Pavilions is growing: 23 international pavilions will bring small and medium-sized beauty companies from all over the world to Bologna, revealing their exclusive traditions: Belgium, California, China, Brazil, France, Germany, Japan, Greece, Indonesia, Israel, Korea, Latvia, Poland, Romania, Spain, Sweden, Taiwan, Turkey, UK, USA and, for the first time, Mongolia, the Czech Republic and Russia.
The guiding theme of the 2020 edition will be the vision of the 2030 cosmetic industry: thanks to the collaboration of trend and design agencies, associations and international newspapers, Cosmoprof will host seminars and initiatives providing suggestions and ideas to give shape to Beauty 2030.
"The cosmetic industry is a thriving sector for the Italian economy: it has been able to overcome even the most complex scenarios, for positive and often acyclic dynamics — says Renato Ancorotti, President of Cosmetica Italia. — The forecasts for the end of 2019 indicate a global turnover of 11.6 billion euros and an increase of over 2 percentage points compared to the previous year. Exports exceed 40% of this value and confirm how much the products of our companies are appreciated and recognized for their quality, safety and innovation all over the world. The trade balance continues to record new records year after year and for 2019 it will mark a further + 5.5% for a value of 2.9 billion, placing us in comparison with other sectors only after fashion and wine. Thanks to these results and to the solid partnership with BolognaFiere and Cosmoprof, we look to the future with optimism".
The text/image source: official exhibition website Cosmoprof Worldwide Bologna 2020
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