The new event dedicated to packaging for e-commerce in China is gearing up. E-Pack Tech by Ipack Ima will be hosted at the New Int'l Expo Centre (SNIEC) in Shanghai from 23 to 26 October 2019.

The new international event dedicated to packaging technologies and solutions designed for the e-commerce market is organized by Hannover Milano Fairs Shanghai, a Chinese joint venture between Deutsche Messe and Fiera Milano with the support of Ipack Ima srl, organizer of Ipack-IMA and Meat-Tech to be held at Fiera Milano in 2021. E-Pack Tech by Ipack Ima is the first, major leg of the journey towards Ipack-IMA which, from 4 to 7 May 2021, will be taking the future of processing and packaging to Milan.
The first edition of E-Pack Tech by Ipack Ima will be taking place within CeMAT Asia, China's leading event dedicated to handling, technological automation, transport and logistics systems and several other key events for the sector (Cold Chain Asia, Heavy Machinery, H2+FC —Hydrogen + Fuel Cells, Apex — Aerial Platform Exhibition, ComVac and PTC). Through this union of synergistic fairs, E-Pack Tech will benefit from a large number of specialized visitors from various production backgrounds.
Over 100,000 visitors will be attending the 2018 edition of CeMAT Asia. This qualified audience operating in the areas of logistics, automation, transport, warehouse and end-of-line systems, will attract over 5,000 people from the e-commerce industry. The new event dedicated to e-commerce packaging will be the natural habitat for the undisputed Asian e-commerce giants, such as Alibaba, Cainiao, and Suning.
In other words, E-Pack Tech will be the ideal location for presenting packaging, labelling and traceability solutions, as well as handling and storage systems, specifically applicable to food and non-food goods for online sales.
The text/image source: Fiera Milano, official exhibition website CeMAT Asia 2019
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