The venue which opened in October 2017, is seeking to become the most advanced and integrated venue in Egypt. Organizer dmg events has confirmed that over 70 exhibitors will be attending the meeting of the coatings industry.

Ever since the launch of the event in 1997, it has always been one of the favorite places for the coatings industry to meet and trade in Egypt and the wider Middle East region, even amidst its peak of the political turmoil, the show has successfully fulfilled its role as the only trading platform for the coatings industry that connects this biggest Middle East Country with the world.
What is more, ECS business presentations are perfect to learn about the latest products, trends and processes in the market. Running throughout the day on both 23rd and 24th September and located within the Egyptian Coatings Show 2019 Exhibition Hall, free of charge.
The text/image source: Expodatabase, official exhibition website Egyptian Coatings Show 2019
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