Organized by GL events Exhibitions, South America's leading event in the beauty industry Estetika 2019 will take place at Sao Paulo Expo from 29 August to 1 September.

Keila Kerber, the Sales Manager for Estetika, explains the reason for the change of venue: "The event has grown considerably over recent years. So, in order to welcome our public better and make things more comfortable and convenient for people, we decided to move to Sao Paulo Expo, which is the biggest, most modern and most complete event center in Latin America. Another of the venue's advantages is that it is close to Congonhas airport and the Jabaquara metro station. Considering 70% of our visitors come from outside the state of São Paulo this is a key asset."
Over the course of 4 days, trade professionals will have the opportunity to discover the main market trends in terms of products, equipment and services, in an event space reserved for major product launches, exhibitions and open demonstrations by the leading brands on the market. At the same time, the International Scientific Congress will bring together well-known personalities in the field of aesthetics who will be giving conferences about their experiences and explaining the reasons for their success.
Activities will also be organized in parallel to complement the conferences. The delegates will have the chance to participate in symposiums and workshops (organized by leading Brazilian brands of beauty products and equipment), seminars and training courses (from eye and eyelash enhancement to aesthetic nutrition and micro-pigmentation, etc.)
Estetika aims to provide professionals with the broadest range of solutions possible and keep them up to date with the latest Brazilian and global innovations.
The text/image source: Gl-events, official exhibition website Congressoestetika 2019
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