Organisers Mack Brooks Fuarcılık A.Ş has announced to move the upcoming Fastener Fair Turkey, 5th International Exhibition for Fastener and Fixing Technology, to a new venue, the Tuyap in Istanbul. The show will take place from 27th — 29th February 2020 in hall 12 at the Tuyap Exhibition Centre.

“With its modern halls and excellent infrastructure, Tüyap is the ideal venue for Fastener Fair Turkey. The spacious exhibition site, which is Turkey’s largest exhibition centre, offers state-of-the art facilities and technical services of the highest standards. The new location will boost the standing of Fastener Fair Turkey as the premier exhibition of this industry sector for the Turkish market. We guarantee all exhibitors a clear improvement of their presence at our show with the move to this new venue,” says Olivia Griscelli, Exhibition Director of Fastener Fair Turkey, on behalf of the organisers.
More than 100 exhibitors have already secured their stand space at Fastener Fair Turkey 2020, occupying some 3,000 square metres in net exhibition space. While to date a large majority of exhibitors are Turkish companies, 15% of exhibiting companies come from outside Turkey.
“With the new internationally renowned venue, we are confident to develop the exhibition further, both in size and international participation. For manufacturers, suppliers and distributors Fastener Fair Turkey is a key event in the region of Eurasia, attracting visitors from important industry sectors, such as the automotive, hardware, construction and civil engineering sectors,” explains Olivia Griscelli.
The previous edition of Fastener Fair Turkey in 2018 ended with very positive results and saw a 70% increase in visitor numbers. Over 190 exhibitors from 14 countries and a total of 2,900 trade visitors from 48 countries attended the specialised industry event. The exhibition survey revealed that 98% of exhibitors fully or partly achieved their aims and 92% of exhibitors made new business contacts at the show.
The exhibition profile of Fastener Fair Turkey covers industrial fasteners and fixings, construction fixings, assembly and installation systems, fastener manufacturing technology, storage and factory equipment as well as corresponding services. Visitors to Fastener Fair are wholesalers, distributors, engineers and manufacturers from various industry sectors.
Fastener Fair Turkey is part of the worldwide series of Fastener Fair exhibitions for the fastener and fixings industry. Other events include Fastener Fair France, Fastener Fair India, Fastener Fair Italy, Fastener Fair Mexico, Fastener Fair USA and the flagship event Fastener Fair Stuttgart in Germany, the world’s leading trade show for this industry sector.
The text/image source: Mackbrooks, official exhibition website Fastener Fair Turkey 2020
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