Global Gaming Expo Asia (G2E Asia), the international gaming-entertainment exhibition and conference dedicated to the Asian gaming-entertainment market, is expanding its reach to the Philippines. The inaugural edition of G2E @ the Philippines is scheduled to take place from December 3 to 4, 2019 at the Marriott Manila.

The event organized by the American Gaming Association (AGA) and Reed Exhibitions expects over 3 500 visitors and more than 50 exhibitors and sponsors. The platform for networking and business engagement for the gaming industry includes prearranged matchmaking sessions.
G2E Asia Highlights include:
- G2E Asia Philippines Forum — The G2E Asia Philippines Forum consists of content-rich agenda, led by a lineup of high-level industry leaders, influencers and experts, provided direct exposure and understanding of today’s most critical issues.
- One-on-One — Pre-arranged and customized, face-to-face matchmaking meetings.
- Welcome Reception — The Welcome Reception provides an unrivaled networking opportunities to meet your peers, old acquaintances and new business partners.
- After Party — It is designed for event goers keen to bring the day to a relaxing close and provides extended networking opportunities beyond show hours. The After Party is open to all attendees, and also provides industry suppliers with on-the-spot branding exposure in a bona fide nightlife environment.
The text/image source: Expodatabase, official exhibition website G2E Asia 2019
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