Information and Communication Technologies Exhibition Gitex Technology Week 2019 starts on October 6 in Dubai

12 August 2019 Gitex Technology Week (GITEX) 2019

The Gitex Technology Week is all set to return on October 6. The mammoth 5-day event is a one-stop shop for tech glitterati, who converge to showcase and experience the world’s most advanced technology and drive digital transformation.


Take this: According to a survey conducted by the organisers of the show, a staggering $179 million worth of business was secured at Gitex in 2018..

Organised by Dubai World Trade Centre, Gitex Technology Week sets the tone for the future of technology in the region and beyond. As an event, it is highly popular with digital whizzes, IT geeks, technology pioneers, futurists and business heads in equal measure.

This year, for the first time, Gitex Tech Week and Gitex Future Stars will feature a combined conference programme, bringing the best of both worlds — tech titans and startups — in one truly empowering agenda. Brace up as there will be 250 of the biggest tech minds on stage this year, besides some power packed key note sessions. It is believed that there will be 290 plus hours of debating and discussing major trends: 5G, Healthcare, Marketing and more.

With projected spends in the technology sector running into billions of dollars in the coming years, it is not surprising that Gitex Technology Week draws such an unmitigated interest.

In 2019, the four highlighted segments of the show will be Smart Cities, AR and VR, Internet of Things and Smart Manufacturing. It will showcase the world’s most progressive smart cities implementing next generation technologies in infrastructure, bringing to the forefront the strides made in transformative technologies and everything related to the revolutionary Industry 4.0.

Be the first to know with what’s coming next, by stepping into the world of the future at Gitex Technology Week 2019.

It’s that time of the year again, when the world’s biggest brands, dazzling new technologies and leading global voices come together to celebrate the infinite power of innovation, at GITEX Technology Week, from 6 — 10 October 2019, at Dubai World Trade Centre. 

Gitex 2019 At a Glance

  • Exhibition: Experience the biggest breakthroughs, industry applications, products and solutions across 26 show sectors, all under one roof. Last year, over 2600 innovative products and solutions were showcased across the floor
  • Conference: Come listen to the pioneers and practitioners redefining every industry, and hear their inspiring stories of pushing the boundaries with their innovative thinking. Last year, 120  speakers delivered powerful insights and success strategies across 8 sectors.
  • Networking: The ultimate place to build your industry connections. Network with C-level executives, influential investors, tech engineers, startup founders and government leaders. In 2018, over 5700 meetings were booked across just 5 days!
  • GITEX Future Stars: No tech revolution is complete without startups and GITEX delivers a superstar lineup of global startups in its 4th edition of GITEX Future Stars  — the Middle East, North Africa & South Asia’s biggest startup event.

The text/image source: official exhibition website Gitex 2019

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