ICUEE, the International Construction and Utility Equipment Exposition will be held from October 1 to 3, 2019 at the Kentucky Exposition Center in Louisville, Kentucky.

This year's event for utilities and utility and construction contractors will offer several new features:
- A new Emerging Technologies Pavilion will join the expanded Safety and Fleet Management exhibit pavilions on the indoor show floor.
- The UTV Test Track will put attendees in the driver's seat with the opportunity to compare several models of utility terrain vehicles (UTVs) from three of the leading manufacturers, Caterpillar, Bobcat, and John Deere.
- The 80,000-square-foot area adjacent to the Underground Demo Lot (Area K) and Broadbent Arena will feature manufacturer UTV displays and test-drive courses for hands-on evaluation of machine capabilities.
- The educational program will be enhanced through a disaster simulation lab, field classrooms and eat-and-learn workshops.
- Also, the first-ever ICUEE Live! at Fourth Street Live! Concert will offer a fun event to meet up with old and new industry friends in the downtown Louisville Fourth Street Live! dining and entertainment complex free to all attendees.
ICUEE 2019 will cover more than 30 acres of the industry's latest technology and equipment, hands-on equipment test drives, and interactive product demonstrations with more than 240 product categories.
The text/image source: Expodatabase, official exhibition website ICUEE 2019
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