IELA, the International Exhibition Logistics Association, is organizing the next edition of IELA Connect on October 14, 2019 in Marrakesh, Morocco.

This will be the IELA’s first event in the MENA + Western Africa Region, welcoming all major professionals in the exhibition industry to come together to pursue action on a local scale, with one main goal in mind: to reinforce relationships for a safer, more secure and sustainable industry, serving the international exhibition community.
IELA will bring together local stakeholders from the exhibition and events industry in the MENA and Western Africa region to discuss, from the inside out, how safety and security in the region can be improved in order to protect people and establish standards. Local stakeholders, who know their market and environment and have a comprehensive understanding of the benefits of security standards, will be instrumental in implementing this.
Besides the presentation of the IELA Security Guidelines, the IELA Operational Health & Safety Guidelines and the IELA Sustainability Guidelines, the association will be staging a forum on-site for local actors in the industry to discuss best practices in Morocco. The subject for exchange and debate will be how the industry as a whole can implement higher standards of security to protect each and every employee throughout every stage of a project.
The text/image source: Expodatabase, official event website IELA Connect 2019
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