Event for the exhibition industry IELA Connect 2019 will be held in Morocco

27 August 2019 IELA Connect 2019

The itinerary flagship event IELA Connect will take place this year on October 14th 2019 in Marrakech, Morocco, at the Movenpick Hotel Mansour Eddahbi Marrakech hotel. Closer business relations will be actively enforced by incorporating important local actors of the industry.


This will be IELA’s first event in the MENA Region to welcome all major professionals in the exhibition industry: organizers, venue owners, associations and press, together with selected local institutions who figure among the significant players in this sector.

This year, IELA Connect will additionally welcome exhibition freight forwarders who are non-IELA Members from those countries not yet represented by IELA members in order to strengthen even further the network of reliable experts in the region.

Seen as our regional flagship event, IELA Connect allows all players to connect and exchange on important issues such as Security, OH&S, and Sustainable logistics challenges. This year’s event will be no exception and promises you the opportunity to:

Meet:   IELA Connect is a networking event for leaders and professionals of the exhibition industry in the MENA & Western African region.

Steer:  IELA’s objective is to strive towards progress and boost high standards in Security, OH&S and Sustainability. Knowledge will be shared with the presentation in Africa of the IELA Security Guidelines and the IELA Sustainability Guidelines.

Develop: IELA creates an ideal environment in which to develop successful partnerships and collaboration with organisers, venue owners, associations and partners. Best processes and solutions for the entire industry are established and the results incorporated in our official guidelines.

The text/image source: Expodatabase, official event website IELA Connect 2019

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