Messe Munchen launches new Trade Fair for water and waste management IFAT in Delhi

24 July 2019 IFAT Delhi 2020

From January 29 to 31, 2020 the first IFAT Delhi will be held at the India Habitat Centre in the Indian capital.


According to the World Health Organization (WHO), the 14 cities with the world’s worst air pollution are all in North India, which is why Messe Munchen is spreading the IFAT environment technologies network further. 

The first edition of IFAT Delhi will be co-located with the World Sustainable Development Summit on the topic of sustainability, which is being organized by the Indian Think Tank TERI (The Energy and Resources Institute). 

This means that from 2020, the Munich exhibition experts will have two IFAT fairs in India. Besides the new event in Delhi, they have been present in Mumbai since 2013. 

According to Bhupinder Singh, CEO of the Indian subsidiary Messe Munchen India, the location in the capital is of strategic importance: "IFAT Delhi aims at addressing trade visitors from India's north, and especially the policy-makers who play an essential role in the expansion of environmental infrastructure."

The text/image source: Expodatabase, official website IFAT 2020

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