Thailand Convention & Exhibition Bureau (TCEB) recently promoted events in alternative destinations at IMEX America, held in Las Vegas last week, that are beyond Bangkok and Pattaya through its new campaign — Meet Now.

TCEB is inviting buyers and planners to select regional Thai locations for their events. All these locations are fully equipped with meeting facilities, accommodation and attractions for MICE groups.
A wide range of exclusive activities and authentic local culture is designed to enrich experiences and generate maximum return on investment.
Hua Hin, a seaside resort southwest of Bangkok, has over 10 four and five-star hotels, as well as numerous attractions including salt spa treatments, palm sugar production and herbal treatment products (part of a comprehensive reforestation program).
Other ‘off the beaten track’ destinations promoted by the new campaign include Chiang Mai, Chiang Rai in the North, Rayong in the East, Phuket and Samui island in the South, each with unique setting, character and culture.
TCEB’s campaign “Meet Now” puts the spotlight on the varied conferences and events facilities of alternative cities. The bureau offer planners series of dedicated support schemes, suitable for groups of a minimum of 30 people and who are staying for at least three nights.
Nichapa Yoswee, Senior Vice President — Business of TCEB, said, “While we enjoy great success in our major cities, we’re keen to promote alternative locations that are not as widely known to global business event planners. There’s plenty for planners to discover in these ‘off the beaten track’ destinations — from sea cruises, luxury spas to indigenous textiles, Thailand has something for everyone”.
Thailand is ready to redefine business events with new ideas, using locations beyond its key cities. TCEB has been promoting these new locations and helping them to curate local activity programs to offer to MICE groups.
“Thailand is a unique partner for planners looking to exceed client expectations”, Yoswee said. “We keep planners’ requirements to maximize return on investment and resources front of mind.”
The text/image source: TSNN, official exhibition website IMEX America 2020
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