International pet products exhibition Interpets Aichi 2020 will also be held in the fall

10 October 2019 Interpets Fall 2020

An additional edition of the Japanese pet products event Interprets, aimed at both industry experts and the wider general public, is to be held at Aichi Sky Expo from November 21 to 22, 2020. 


Interpets Aichi, sister trade fair of Interpets Asia Pacific in Tokyo, established nine years ago and now the biggest pet products event in Japan, will follow the same concept and will focus on pet products and services across a variety of product groups: living and interior, boutique and fashion, education and information, and outdoor and leisure.

 The new event in Aichi builds on the success of its sister event and is the response to increased demand from pet owners in central Japans (Chubu). This event, organized by Messe Frankfurt Japan Ltd., is an important meeting point for pet owners, current and potential, serving the central Japanese market with dedicated pet-related products and services. 

The individual product categories are showcased in separate exhibition areas: Food, Fashion & Accessory Products, Living & Interior Products, Outdoor & Leisure, and Health Care & Grooming Products and Services.

The text/image source: Expodatabase, official exhibition website Interpets Aichi 2020

Российские инновационные технологии на выставке в Абу-Даби (ОАЭ)

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25 November 2019

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