Premiere for the trade show for fire and rescue services Interschutz USA

16 July 2019 Interschutz USA 2020

Organiser Hannover Fairs USA (HFUSA), the U.S. subsidiary of Hannover, Germany's Deutsche Messe will debut Interschutz USA focused on the North American firefighting equipment and safety industry from October 13 to 17, 2020 in the Pennsylvania Convention Center in Philadelphia, Pa. 


Interschutz, the world's largest trade show for fire and rescue services, taking place every five years in Hannover, Germany, is coming to the U.S.

The new five-day event will incorporate a global view of firefighting equipment and tactics. Interschutz USA will respect the traditions of the U.S. fire service and will demonstrate firefighter safety solutions that incorporate current and emerging strategies and technologies in the U.S., as well as introduce what other industry experts and visionaries are doing globally. 

"The U.S. fire service has tremendous respect for the Interschutz brand and its size and scope. Many of the industry representatives we have been meeting with are incredibly enthusiastic about the launch of the show in America," said Larry Turner, president and CEO of HFUSA. 

"The members of the Philadelphia Fire Department couldn't be more excited to welcome the world to Philadelphia by hosting Interschutz USA with our regional partners, allowing us to showcase the city and the field of emergency response. Since 1736, the Philadelphia Fire Department has been dedicated to safety, innovation and best practices, and we look forward to Interschutz USA and all it has to offer in October 2020," said Adam Thiel, fire commissioner of the Philadelphia Fire Department and director of the Philadelphia Office of Emergency Management. 

The text/image source: Expodatabase, official website of the exhibition: Interschutz USA 2020 

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25 October 2019

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