Orlando to host the educational exchange event Large Show Roundtable 2019

11 July 2019 Large Show Roundtable (LSR) 2019

The event will take place on August 22, 2019 at the Convention Center and encompasses a day with upward of six hours of information exchange and networking with peers.


Large Show Roundtable (LSR) is the educational exchange format facilitated by Sam Lippman for executives, directors, show managers, and department managers.

LSR responsible for shows with 125,000 net square feet and larger, comes to Orlando, Florida.

The format aims to give inspiration from inside and outside the industry. Several best practices that allow large show organisers to take cutting-edge learning and education activations from concept to reality throughout their show will be discussed with topics to be determined by participants prior to the meeting.

Additionally, participants will receive a report of Large Show Research, prepared annually by Freeman, Lippman Connects and Trade Show Executive.

The text source: Expodatabase, the image source: official website Lippman Connects

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