A new trade fair for lightweight construction LightCon will be launched in June, 23 — 24, 2020 in Hannover. The new fair will showcase the latest trends and solutions in the field of lightweight construction, spanning all materials, technologies and sectors of industry.

The event will initially run as a two-day conference and supporting trade fair on the theme of lightweight construction, taking place every year thereafter. The new fair's organizer is Deutsche Messe, with Composites United as the technology sponsor. Both partners have already formalized their plans in a joint Memorandum of Understanding.
From 2021 onward, LightCon will evolve into a full-fledged trade fair, with the conference remaining an integral component. In addition to Composites United, related networks and associations from other technology fields have confirmed their participation, allowing LightCon to cover the entire spectrum of lightweight construction themes.
"LightCon provides an ideal platform for the international lightweight construction sector," said Dr. Jochen Kockler, Chairman of the Managing Board at Deutsche Messe. "As a key technology for numerous sectors of industry, lightweight construction continues to gain ground because it increases the cost-effectiveness, performance and sustainability of applications. We are delighted to have Composites United as a partner. Here, two strengths come together: Composites United, with its proven technological expertise, and Deutsche Messe as a professional producer of events with its own global network and infrastructure."
As a vertical trade fair, LightCon covers the entire supply chain for lightweight construction cutting across all materials — from applied research, materials, engineering design and development tools to prototyping, component testing, production technology, joining and fastening technology and recycling. At the same time, a high-caliber conference will provide original insights into cutting-edge multi-material lightweight design.
On the attendance side, LightCon is aimed at developers, design engineers, designers, buyers and management at all levels of user industries such as transport and mobility (road and rail), aerospace, mechanical engineering, shipbuilding, construction, wind energy and the sports and recreation industry.
Deutsche Messe has been active in the field of lightweight construction for some time now. In recent years, it has been one of the key themes at Hannover Messe, which will continue to be the case in the future. Lightweight design also plays an important role at the political level.
The text/image source: Deutsche Messe
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