International exhibition for design industry Maison&Objet Paris will take place from September 6 to 10, 2019 in France.

The upcoming edition of the exhibition is the perfect opportunity for industry professionals to explore new concepts, make new contacts and discover thousands of brands.
Since 1995, Maison&Objet has been the leading event for the lifestyle, home decor and interior design industry. Twice a year, it brings together some 3 000 exhibitors and over 75 000 unique visitors, of which 50% are from overseas. Extremely satisfied with what the trade fair has to offer, they return year after year, with no fewer than 85 % recommending the event to others.
Structured around key themes, the event showcases a myriad of brands that are absolute musts across the entire hospitality sector. The “Forever” (timeless classics), “Unique & Eclectic” (championing global creativity), and “Today” (a distillation of the spirit of our times) zones notably attract café owners, hoteliers and restaurateurs, inviting them to cast their eye over a selection of the very latest furnishings and design solutions from international designers.
Besides the big-name manufacturers and makers that exhibit at every edition alongside a multitude of smaller scale craftsmen and artisans, numerous up-coming talents also emerge each year.
Sparking connections and revealing new talent, the trade fair provides fresh sources of inspiration by deciphering current and emerging trends. It consequently represents a veritable catalyst for the development of market players, promoting brand growth.
Maison&Objet also gives attendees the chance to hear leading personalities chat about the season’s hottest topics, some of which are sure to spark the interest. Such as? “Reinventing a legend, the Jules Verne” with chef Frederic Anton and architect Aline Asmar d’Amman, or “Hospitality and workspaces” with architect Jean-Philippe Nuel.
The text/image source: official exhibition website Maison&Objet 2019
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