Messe Frankfurt India Trade Fair Pvt Ltd, the Indian subsidiary of one of the world’s leading trade show organizers, Messe Frankfurt Exhibition GmbH, acquired the rights of Screen Print India in 2018. In 2019, Messe Frankfurt India and MEX Exhibitions enter into a strategic alliance to create Gartex Texprocess India, an integrated business platform for textile sector.

Consolidating its expertise in the textile portfolio, Messe Frankfurt India, the leading trade fair organizers have announced that Screen Print India 2020 will make its debut from August 21 to 23 in New Delhi alongside Gartex Texprocess India, thus bringing latest advancements and machinery in sectors like screen printing, textile printing, digital and sublimation under one roof.
“It is a tactical step to co-locate the Delhi edition of Screen Print India exhibition with the forthcoming Gartex Texprocess India as it will enable exhibitors and visitors to benefit from the synergies between the two leading, interconnected textile sector shows. This way, we are also able to offer a comprehensive product showcase to visitors across diverse categories within the garment and textile finishing sector in general and screen and digital printing sector in particular for this segment of buyers,” emphasisedMr Raj Manek, Executive Director and Board Member, Messe Frankfurt Asia Holdings Ltd while announcing the dates for Screen Print India exhibition Organised jointly by Messe Frankfurt Trade Fairs India Pvt Ltd and MEX Exhibitions Pvt Ltd, Gartex Texprocess India is now in its 6th edition.
The show has grown tremendously over the years with the past edition clocking a visitor base of 10,390 with180 exhibitors and 300 brands. Having made its debut in 1994, Screen Print India exhibition has been held bi-annually in Mumbai since its inception and has grown wider in scope. Bringing the two shows together will create big opportunity for exhibitors to showcase their product gamut, and visitors to explore widest range of or products and services. Moreover, like its Mumbai edition, Screen Print India New Delhi will also feature a special “SPI Sample Gallery” showcasing award winning pieces of screen printing excellence. Informative sessions and workshops will be conducted by various leading international experts on a wide range of topics related to the graphics industry.
Considering the potential of screen printing sector in India, the organisers are in talks with leading industry associations such as Screen Printing & Graphics Association of India (SGAI) to extend support and participation at the show. While the Mumbai edition continues to grow with surging figures in international participation from India, Austria, Canada, France, Germany, Italy, Japan, Malaysia, Switzerland, Singapore, Taiwan, Thailand and the USA, the Delhi edition of Screen print India is also expected to attract exhibitors from international borders. Owing to rapid technological changes, leading brands will conduct live demos of their latest technological offerings in screen printing, digital sublimation, heat transfer and textile printing, garment decoration to potential business visitors and traders. Focused knowledge seminars throwing light on various processes and technical advancements is another highlight that will keep the exhibitors and visitors up-to-date with the current and future trends of the industry. Moreover, the show floor will display an array of product launches and live demonstrations to help decision makers and buyers invest in the right technology.
At the same time, Gartex Texprocess India, dedicated to the entire value chain of garmenting & textile manufacturing, is expected to give a much needed boost to the domestic industry. Various zones and focused segments ensure cross-sector, creative and collaborative interactions among the stakeholders; while the dynamic synergy will highlights the latest tech-advancements and trends that the country’s textiles and apparel industry is moving towards.
The text/image source: Exhibition Show Case, official exhibition website Screen Print India 2020
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