From 3 to 6 September, the largest exhibition in Eastern Europe will be held at the Moscow Expocentre Fairgrounds, where the entire fashion world will be presented.
A busy business program that runs throughout all four exhibition days presents about 40 fashion shows, a presentation of trends by fashion experts and a rich seminar program.

CPM Designerpool 8.1
In the Spring-Summer 2020 season, new designer collections at the stands and the main CPM podium will be demonstrated by the participants of the special project of the exhibition - Designerpool. Twice a year, the curator selects the most promising young designers to debut internationally. In September 2019, U.G.L.Y. Studio (Tbilisi, Georgia), Brier (Moscow, Russia) and IVANOVA (Sochi, Russia) will present their collections to visitors of the exhibition. Also in the new season, CPM will present two finalists of the design contest “Admiralteiskaya Igla” - Daria Kalashnikova and the Bjork project.
CPM My Country & CPM Start-Up 7.2
In the 5th season of the regional development project CPM My Country, the collections of the next season will be presented by young designer brands from Krasnoyarsk. For 2 years, the possibility of free participation from the organizers has already received more than 12 clothing brands, successfully representing such cities as Nizhny Novgorod, Krasnodar, Novosibirsk, Almaty (Kazakhstan) and Tashkent (Uzbekistan).
Supporting the strategy to expand the participation of Russian fashion industry players in the exhibition, not for the first season participants of the CPM Start-Up section (trademarks not older than three years), as well as collective stands representing 3 to 10 designer brands with the support of local associations, business associations and export development centers are in the focus of attention. In September 2019, the exhibition will host exhibitors from Vologda, Yekaterinburg, Ivanovo, Irkutsk, Vladimir, Kaluga, Karachay-Cherkessia, Krasnodar, Moscow, Penza, Ulyanovsk, Nizhny Novgorod and Tambov.
CPM Shop & Retail Solutions 7.1
The exhibition organizers are pleased to present a new section of CPM Shop & Retail Solutions, dedicated to store building and shop equipment operators. At the stands located in Hall 7.1, it will be possible to find new partners in organizing pop-up retail spaces, lighting and merchandising technologies, retail marketing, outdoor advertising, the introduction of trade automation and security systems, and other services.

CPM Body & Beach & CPM Fabrics 2.4-2.5
The modern international fair of underwear, home wear, beach fashion and accessories CPM Body & Beach today consists of two exhibition halls, 140 global trademarks from 25 countries of the world and thousands of specialized visitors from the field of lingerie retail. A separate schedule of the program of lectures and workshops of Body & Beach Talks includes the presentation of world and local market experts and trend reviews. Everyday new collections of underwear and beach fashion of the next season are also presented to the guests of the exhibition as a fashion showcases, and on the final day the results of the Intimoda Magazine New Faces professional contest are summed up.
The young section of CPM Body & Beach Fabrics for the second time will be presented by manufacturers of fabrics, lace, accessories and haberdashery to create and complement the image of fashionable clothes, swimwear, home and sportswear. The debut season showed a high interest of the professional audience and inspired the organizers to further develop this fair segment.
CPM Catwalk at 2.3
New collections and current trends from the world's leading designers and brands, which invariably attract the attention of the public, will be presented on the podium of Hall 23. A wide range of models - from casual clothing and underwear to avant-garde - everything that makes the heart of every fashion fan beat stronger presented on the podium. The main presentation of fashion collections at the intersection of styles will be bright multi-brand CPM Selected shows, which will be held at the opening ceremony of the CPM, as well as during all three days of the CPM Catwalk hall.

CPM Accessories & Shoes and CPM Handmade 2.3
Bags, belts, scarves, jewelry - everything that can complement the outfit - can be found in Hall 23. Manufacturers from all over the world will again present various lines of accessories and shoes collections. It is really worth it!
Young brands of handmade accessories will demonstrate the new items in this well-established segment of the CPM exhibition, the number of participants is constantly growing. It is here that you can find many details that play a big role – designer’s handmade bags, stylish jewelry, hats and a wide range of unusual and interesting products, made with a special love and passion for detail. Check out the exclusive and unique items in Hall 23.
CPM Premium 8.1
Fashion in the spotlight. Only first-class materials, the most exquisite fabrics and unique styles in the author's design. The international selection of premium brands from avant-garde to classic is an inspiration for many buyers. Hall 81 will feature the Spring-Summer 2020 collections.
RFRF - Russian Fashion Retail Forum 7.1
The business program of the CPM exhibition - Russian Fashion Retail Forum (RFRF), conducted with the participation of Fashion Consulting Group agencies and PROfashion Consulting, will reserve a new location in Hall 71, allowing receiving a larger number of guests and providing broad technical opportunities for presentations by reputable speakers. The inherent characteristic of the business forum remains the deep influence and value of the information received by the participants of the seminars, the relevance of which during the next season helps to make quite a few effective management decisions, which has been repeatedly confirmed by the appropriate feedback from experts.
Buy a ticket to the exhibition CPM – Collection Première Moscow 2019
Materials provided by the organizer of the exhibition - Messe Düsseldorf Moscow.
Конференция Fashion Meet Up ответит на острые вопросы российских брендов, производителей и дистрибьютеров
Будут обсуждаться темы модернизации производства, налаживания логистической цепочки поставок, поиска новых поставщиков и клиентов, выстраивания маркетинговой стратегии на российском и международном рынках в текущих реалиях и многое другое.
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