Photokina, leading photo, video and imaging fair is caught up in the whirlwind of a fast changing industry, which is currently awaiting new impetus for (and from) the upcoming event from September 27 to 30 May, 2020.

Kolnmesse is delivering, pushing segments such as mobile, motion and digital imaging.
“Photokina is a unique opportunity to show the world that photo, video and imaging have not become any less relevant, explains CEO of Kolnmesse Gerald Bose, who is betting on the “big players in the industry seizing this chance for themselves.“
In conjunction with the German Photo Industry Association, Kolnmesse had already taken suitable steps to combat the downward market trend in 2016, adapting concepts and investing in new exhibitor and visitor segments, the aim being to focus on mobile, motion and digital imaging and attract young target groups to the event at the same time.
The first fruits of these efforts and investments can already be seen, with new exhibitors — big names — already on board and the number of young visitors on the increase. Kolnmesse may be saying goodbye to companies such as Leica, Nikon and Olympus; they are, however, currently discussing concrete plans for a new photography experience zone, are working on securing important keynote speakers for future events, and are developing dedicated concepts for start-ups, retailers and professionals.
The text/image source: Expodatabase, official exhibition website Photokina 2020
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