A record-breaking 195,400 visitors made their way through the gates of the Royal Highland Centre (RHC) recently, as the event venue played host to the largest agricultural show in the country, the Royal Highland Show.

Delivering an estimated £65 million in economic benefit, the four-day event takes over the 180-acre indoor and outdoor events space at the RHC each year in June, attracting visitors from across the globe.
Established as Scotland’s biggest outdoor event, almost 63 000 bed nights are attributed to the event which attracts thousands of exhibitors across food, farming and shopping.
Benefiting from a three-year, £11 million infrastructure investment, the RHC hosts over 200 events, and in excess of one million visitors each year, making it one of the UK’s premier largescale event spaces.
Positioned as a climate leader in the events industry, RHC has invested heavily in its waste and recycling procedures resulting in a huge 75% of waste being diverted from landfill. Water refilling stations were situated throughout the showground with bars and restaurants encouraged to use recyclable materials to serve food and drink.
Situated within one hour’s drive of 75% of the Scottish population, RHC has also invested in developing a robust integrated public transport plan to include tram, rail and bus. The venue is also within a short walk of Edinburgh Airport.
Commenting on the success of the event for Edinburgh and the RHC, Lorne Scott, RHASS commercial director said: “This year’s Royal Highland Show saw a record-breaking number of visitors make their way to Ingliston, resulting in the biggest event that we’ve ever hosted at the RHC”.
“This incredible result comes as we continue our investment in the venue and showground and firmly puts the RHC on the map as a go-to event venue in the capital.”
The text/image source: Eventindustrynews, official website Royal Highlight Show 2020
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