Deutsche Messe AG and Donghao Lansheng (Group) Co. Ltd have embarked on a strategic cooperation and announced that starting 2020, two new shows, the South China International Industry Fair (SCIIF) and the Chengdu International Industry Fair (CDIIF) will be launched to jointly explore the convention and exhibition market in South and Southwest China.

SCIIF South China International Industry Fair 2020
On 2-5 June 2020, the first edition of SCIIF will take place at Shenzhen World Exhibition & Convention Center (New Baoan Hall), with projected area of 120,000 square meters and attracted some 2000 exhibitors both at home and abroad, to build an efficient exhibition platform for the whole industry and help enterprises grasp the market opportunities brought by the rapid growth of the industry.
Through the exhibition of automation, machine vision and industrial robots, a new generation of information technology and digitalized factory, metal processing and laser manufacturing, energy-saving and industrial matching, new materials and other latest products and technologies in the industry, the SCIIF will strive to create an industry event that integrates new product exhibition, technological innovation and knowledge exchange.
CDIIF Chengdu International Industry Fair 2020
Jointly organized by Chengdu Municipal People’s Government, Sichuan Provincial Economic and Information Commission, Hannover Milano Fairs Shanghai, Donghao Lansheng Group, Shanghai Industry & Commerce Exhibition and Sichuan Tianfu International Conference & Exhibition, the Chengdu International Industry Fair will take place at Western China International Expo City on April 27-29 of the next year, consisted of six thematic exhibitions (i.e. automation, industrial robot, new generation information technology, metal processing, energy conservation and industrial matching, new materials), with a total display area of 50,000 square meters and gathers 600 world’s leading enterprises in the industry.
The text/image source: Expodatabase, Hannover Milano Fairs China Ltd., official exhibition website SCIIF South China International Industry Fair 2020
Промышленная трансформация и точки роста на HANNOVER MESSE Preview 2020
HANNOVER MESSE Preview – важнейшее событие в преддверии крупнейшей мировой промышленной выставки HANNOVER MESSE 2020. Помимо конференции, на мероприятии была организована небольшая выставка по преобразованию промышленности в рамках "Индустрии 4.0", успехам во внедрении искусственного интеллекта, технологиям связи 5-го поколения (5G), умной логистике.
17 February 2020HANNOVER MESSE 2020<Интеграция цифровых платформ и искусственного интеллекта в реальную жизнь на крупнейшей промышленной выставке HANNOVER MESSE 2020
На HANNOVER MESSE 2020 традиционно представят разнообразные высокотехнологические решения для промышленных кампаний с 21 по 24 апреля.
06 February 2020HANNOVER MESSE 2020<HANNOVER MESSE 2020: Цифровая трансформация промышленности и будущее логистики
Более 6000 компаний представят свои продукты и решения по инновациям в промышленном производстве и логистике на выставке HANNOVER MESSE 2020 с 21 по 24 апреля.
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С 19 по 22 ноября во Франкфурте-на-Майне пройдет выставка Formnext 2019, где будет представлен национальный павильон России, организованный Российским экспортным центром.
11 November 2019Formnext 2019<