SPS Industrial Automation Fair Guangzhou (SIAF Guangzhou) will return for its 11th edition from 26 — 28 February 2020 at the China Import and Export Fair Complex in Guangzhou.

Earlier this year in March the fair commemorated its 10th edition with record-breaking exhibitor and visitor figures. The annual fair establishes itself year after year as the ideal place to make valuable connections and find new opportunities in the market.
As a sister event of the world-renowned SPS Smart Production Solutions in Nuremburg, Germany, SIAF is the premier hub for intelligent automation solutions in South China. The fair will once again be held concurrently with Asiamold — Guangzhou International Mould & Die Exhibition to provide a one-stop sourcing platform for industrial automation and the mould, die casting and additive manufacturing markets in South China. The two fairs hosted earlier this year welcomed 988 exhibitors from 20 countries and 98,776 trade visitors from 45 counties and regions. The fair’s international profile welcomes solution providers from all around the world, while its home presence in Guangzhou provides the opportunity to take advantage of China’s strong economy and manufacturing industry.
Mr Jim Liu, Senior District Sales Manager, remarked: “Year after year we meet clients looking for specific solutions, which reflect the quality of the fair’s buyers. Being able to directly meet with potential clients not only helps us understand their needs but also inspires us to continuously improve our products.”
From small and medium-sized companies specializing in a particular technology to large businesses involved across various industry sectors, SIAF continues to be recognized as an ideal platform to discover new business opportunities.
Entering an era of digital innovation, the development and application of the industrial internet is expected to revolutionize the manufacturing industry. Utilizing high-speed 5G wireless transmission technology, it is set to unleash the full potential of future cyber-physical manufacturing systems by further enhancing production efficiency. To showcase this industry trend, SIAF will dedicate a new exhibition area to industrial internet, software and systems, allowing fairgoers to uncover the latest innovations available on the market.
The latest automation products and solutions will be categorized in different halls to cater to fairgoers’ sourcing needs. The event will feature industrial robotic technologies and accessories, advanced control technologies, industrial connectors, drive systems and components, sensors and applications of machine vision.
The text/image source: official exhibition website SIAF Guangzhou 2020
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