Decreasing costs and abundant natural resources have long made solar energy a viable energy solution for Africa. South Africa specifically boasts one of the highest 24-hour global solar radiation average in the world—about 220 W/m2—making this a prime location to debut Solar Power Africa, November 4-6, 2020, in Cape Town, South Africa.

Solar Power Africa will bring together leading solar businesses, utilities, non-profits, and policymakers for an exclusive two-day event—blending conference, technical education and trade show to further develop Africa’s solar energy market. The event is a joint venture by three leading international event producers, Messe Frankfurt, SNEC PV Power Expo, and Solar Power Events—host of Solar Power International (SPI) at North America Smart Energy Week.
“By leveraging the strengths of Messe Frankfurt, SNEC PV Power Expo, and Solar Power Events to develop Solar Power Africa, we will connect new innovative technologies and strategies to the business organizations who are investing in the African solar markets. We are looking forward to hosting this event in Cape Town,” Stephen Miner, CEO, Solar Power Events.
The demand for energy, specifically solar, is quickly increasing in Africa. Predictions show that nearly 30% of electricity in Sub-Saharan Africa will come from solar by 2030, accounting for about 30 GW. Current cumulative installations are at 5GW, which presents new opportunities to grow the industry. The African Development Bank recently announced a new financing service, for small-scale renewables, that will support access to renewable energy technologies.
“We are honored to work with such prestigious international partners to bring this event to South Africa. Messe Frankfurt South Africa has established operations in the country, with over 10 shows a year, and we believe this event is a great addition to our portfolio and an important event for the local market,” Joshua Low, Managing Director, Messe Frankfurt South Africa.
The text/image source: official exhibition website Solar Power Africa 2020
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